Monday, November 10, 2008

Gene found by a Turkish doctor that causing anevrizma

Türk doktordan müthiş buluş !

Çalışmalarını ABD'deki Yale Üniversitesinde sürdüren Prof. Dr. Murat Günel tarafından yapılan araştırmayla, beyin kanamalarına yol açan anevrizmaya neden olan 3 gen bulundu.

Araştırma sayesinde, anevrizma oluşma riski yüksek hastalar basit bir kan testiyle tespit edilerek, beyin kanamaları önlenebilecek

.Yale Üniversitesi Beyin Cerrahisi Damar Hastalıkları (Nörovasküler) Bilim Dalı Başkanı ve Beyin Genetiği Programı Direktörü Prof Dr. Murat Günel'in, aynı üniversiteden Dr. Richard Lifton ve Türk doktorlar Kaya Bilgüvar, Yaşar Bayrı ve Zülfikar Arlıer ile birlikte yürüttüğü 15 yıllık araştırmanın sonuçları, dünyanın en büyük tıp dergilerinden biri olan Nature Genetics'te yayınlandı.

Araştırmada, Hollanda'nın yanı sıra, dünyada anevrizmaya bağlı beyin kanamalarının en çok görüldüğü Finlandiya ve Japonya'dan toplanan 10 binin üzerinde kan örneğinden elde edilen genetik materyal (DNA) kullanıldı. Bunların yaklaşık 2 bin 200'ü anevrizma hastalarından, 8 bini de sağlıklı, anevrizması olmayan insanlardan toplandı.

Araştırmada ilk olarak, Avrupalı hastaların kanlarındaki (DNA) 300 bin değişik bölgeye bakıldı. Sonuçta, 3 bölgedeki değişikliklerin anevrizma riskini tüm dünya toplumlarında artırdığı belirlendi.Araştırma sayesinde, basit bir kan testiyle beyin kanaması olmadan anevrizma oluşma riski yüksek hastaların tespit edilebileceği bildirildi.Bu kişiler belirlenince, MR Anjiyo ve KT Anjiyo gibi radyolojik tetkiklerle takip edilebilecek. Oluşumu belirlenebildiği takdirde de anevrizma, patlamadan önce cerrahi veya damar içi yöntemler kullanılarak tedavi edilebilecek.ANEVRİZMA OLUŞMASININ NEDENLERİGünel, bu araştırma sayesinde ortaya çıkarılan 3 genin tespitiyle, söz konusu hastalığın oluşum nedenlerinin de anlaşılmaya başlandığını bildirdi.Araştırmayla, hiç beklenmedik bir şekilde, her 3 genin de damarlardaki bozukluğu tamir eden kök hücreleri etkilediğinin belirlendiğini anlatan Günel, ''Bu genlerdeki bozukluklar, beyin damarlarının sertleşerek erken yaşlarda bile yaşlanmalarına yol açıyor. Bu erken yaşlanmaya bağlı olarak da anevrizmalar ortaya çıkıyor ve zamanla patlayarak beyin kanamalarına ve felçlere sebep oluyor'' şeklinde konuştu.Günel, uzun vadedeki hedefinin, bu sonuçlara bağlı olarak yeni tedaviler geliştirerek, anevrizmaları kanamadan teşhis edip yeni yöntemler kullanarak hastaları iyileştirmek olduğunu söyledi.


Günel'in verdiği bilgiye göre, anevrizmaların toplumda görülme riski yaşla artıyor.ABD'de yapılan araştırmalara göre, hastalık 60 yaşında toplumun yüzde 5 gibi büyük bir kısmını etkileyebiliyor.

Türkiye gibi sigaranın çok içildiği ve yüksek tansiyonun sık görüldüğü toplumlarda, bu oran yüzde 5'in üzerine bile çıkabiliyor. Ancak, Türkiye'de bu konuda yapılan bir araştırma olmadığı için, tam bir sayı verilemiyor.

Sadece Türkler'de etkin genlerin varlığının mümkün olduğunu, ancak, Türkiye'de böyle bir araştırma yapılmadığı için bunun var olup olmadığının henüz bilinmediğine dikkati çeken Murat Günel, ''Bu yüzden böyle bir araştırmanın Türkiye'de de yapılarak, Türkler'e özgü bu genlerin saptanması halinde, gereken önlemlerin alınması çok önemli'' diye konuştu.,9

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Turkish film "Nokta" awarded "Best Soundtrack" in France

Turkish film "Nokta" awarded "Best Soundtrack" in France
"Nokta", a film by Turkish director Dervis Zaim won the "best soundtrack" award at the 30th Mediterranean Film Festival in Montpellier, France.
Composer Mazlum Cimen, who wrote the soundtrack for “Nokta”, also won five awards at this year’s Golden Orange Film festival in Antalya, four awards at the Golden Cocoon festival in Ankara and "best director" award at the Istanbul Film festival.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

New mineral from a Turkish scientist

New mineral found by a Turkish scientist:
Meridianiite found in the seas salt where the Hokkaido iceland in Saroma Lake in Antartica..
Name: Named to reflect the locality on Mars where the MER rover Opportunity observed crystal molds in sedimentary rock that are thought to be caused by minerals that have since dehydrated or dissolved.
A phase that is stable with a saturated brine or with ice and which melts above 2°C into a slurry of Epsomite and water. It has now been found occurring naturally on Earth (on the surface of a frozen pond) and is suspected of existing on Mars.

Peterson, R.C., W. Nelson, B. Madu, and H.F. Shurvell (2007) Meridianiite: A new mineral species observed on Earth and predicted to exist on Mars. American Mineralogist, Volume 92, pages 1756-1759.Minerals Approved June 2007 - IMA website.Peterson, R.C. & Wang, R. (2006): Crystal Molds on Mars: Melting of a possible new mineral species to create Martian chaotic terrain. Geology, 34, 957-960. Peterson, R.C., Nelson, W., Madu, B., Shurvell, H.F. (2007): Meridianiite (MgSO4·11H2O): a new mineral species observed on Earth and predicted to exist on Mars. Seventh International Conference on Mars, 3124. (, A.D., Wood, I.G., Knight, K.S. (2008): The crystal structure and thermal expansion tensor of MgSO4–11D2O (meridianiite) determined by neutron powder diffraction. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 35, 207-221.

F. Elif Genceli, Martin Lutz, Anthony L. Spek, Geert-Jan Witkamp (2007):Crystallization and Characterization of a New Magnesium Sulfate Hydrate MgSO4 · 11H2O. Crystal Growth & Design 2007, Vol 7, No. 12, 2460-2466

Turk kimyaci yeni bir mineral kesfetti!

ISTANBUL (AA) - Istanbul Teknik Universitesi (ITU) Kimya Muhendisligi Bolumu mezunu olan ve halen Hollanda’da Delft Teknik Universitesi’nde kimya muhendisi olarak gorev yapan Dr. Elif Genceli, doktora calismasi sirasinda, Antartika buzulunda “Meridianiite” adini verdigi yeni bir mineral kesfederek uluslararasi literature girdi.

Dr. Gencel’in adini “Meridianiite” koydugu ve formulu “MgSO4•11H2O” olan mineral, International Mineral Association’dan (IMA) onay alarak literature girdi. Dr. Genceli, “2005’te, MgSO4’un (Magnezyum sulfat) dusuk sicakliktaki molekul yapisi ‘MgSO4•11H2O’nun bilimsel literaturde hatali kayitli oldugunu bulmustum. Molekulun mineral oldugunun ispati icin dunya uzerinde herhangi bir yerde dogal olarak olustugunun kanitlanmasi gerekiyordu.
Yaptigim arastirmada bunun Antarktika buzulunda olabilecegini dusundum. 2007 yili Ocak ayinda Japonya’ya gittim, orada Antarktika buzulunda ve Hokkaido Adasi-Saroma Golu’ndeki deniz tuzunda bu minerali buldum.”
ITU Makine Fakultesi ogretim uyelerinden merhum Prof. Dr. Osman Feyzi Genceli’nin kizi olan ve kucuklugunden beri en buyuk hayalinin akademisyen olmak oldugunu soyleyen Elif Genceli, calismasinda molekulu once laboratuvarinda sentezleyip sonra da Antartika buzulunda buldugunu ifade etti.

Hollanda’da Delft Teknik Universitesi’nde kimya muhendisi olarak gorev yapan Dr. Elif Genceli, doktora calismasi sirasinda, Antartika buzulunda “Meridianiite” adini verdigi yeni bir mineral kesfederek uluslararasi literature girdi.(AA)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Turkey's Ceylan wins best director prize at Cannes,2008

Turkey's Ceylan wins best director prize at Cannes,2008

"I dedicate this award to my lonely and beautiful country which I love with passion," said Ceylan, delivering a speech after American actor Sean Penn announced his name as the "Best Director."

"The film is about life, about many things, about the inner world," he told AFP in an interview.
"I don't make films on this or that as that is too didactic. And by the time I've ended a film the idea may have changed.

Left: AFP Photo: Turkish director Nuri Bilge Ceylan acknowledges the audience after winning Best Director prize during the...

CANNES, France (AFP) — Turkey's Nuri Bilge Ceylan won Cannes' Best Director prize on Sunday for his searing family drama "Three Monkeys".
Ceylan, almost 40 and already winner of a batch of awards for his first four features, is regarded as one of the most distinctive film-makers of the last decade.
"Three Monkeys", a tragedy revolving around jealousy, was his third appearance in competition at Cannes, where the movie was a critics' favourite among the 22 vying for the prestigious Palme d'Or award.
"The film is about life, about many things, about the inner world," he told AFP in an interview. "I don't make films on this or that as that is too didactic. And by the time I've ended a film the idea may have changed."
After running over a man at night, a politician running for election bribes his driver to claim responsibility for the accident. But while the man is in prison, the politician seduces the driver's wife, and her son, a young adult, sees it all.
Ceylan, maker of "Uzak" and "Climates", is a master of psychological subtlety and intimacy, shooting meticulously beautiful images helped by his use of high-definition digital video.

Nuri Bilge Ceylan is a talented director, and we wish him good luck for his future projects.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

New Generation Imaging Technology using 'Nanotechnology'

A new generation of the world technology of optoelectronic provides DVD,LCD mobile phone technology screen, digital cameras and such similar equipment a better quality colour and higher resolutions produces significant results in cheaper cost

Note:Details in English version of this news to come...

Dünya bu buluşla sarsılacak.

Geleceğin teknolojisini Türk dahi üretti.

Bilkent Üniversitesi doktora öğrencisi Bayram Bütün, organik kimya ve nanoteknoloji kullanarak yeni nesil görüntüleme sistemlerinde kullanılabilecek geleceğin teknolojisini üretti.

Dünya optoelektronik teknolojisinde yeni bir çığır açması beklenen teknoloji ile yeni nesil DVD, LCD, cep telefonu ekranı, dijital fotoğraf makinesi gibi görüntü cihazlarında ve sağlıkta kullanılan görüntüleme teknolojilerinde milyonlarca renk çok daha ucuza ve yüksek kaliteyle elde edilebilir hale geldi.

Üniversitenin Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü doktora öğrencisi Bayram Bütün, Avrupa Birliği 6. Çerçeve Programları kapsamında olan ve TÜBİTAK tarafından da desteklenen nanoteknoloji çalışmaları hakkında bilgi verdi. Doktora çalışmalarını Descartes ödüllü bilim adamı, Fizik Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi Prof. Ekmel Özbay'ın danışmanlığında Bilkent Üniversitesi Nanoteknoloji Araştırma Merkezi'nde (NANOTAM) sürdürdüğünü kaydeden Bütün, çalışmalarının özellikle kolay erişilebilir ve işe yarar nanoteknoloji geliştirmek üzerine odaklandığını belirtti.

Bayram Bütün, yeni geliştirdikleri nanoboyutlarda ışık kaynakları üzerine yaptıkları çalışmaları ile ilgili şu bilgileri verdi: “Geleneksel olarak lazerlerin ve LED'lerin çalışma dalga boyları bu ışık kaynaklarının yapıldığı malzeme olan yarı-iletkenlerin özellikleri ile sınırlıdır. Bu nedenle her farklı renkte çalışacak olan lazer için farklı bir yarı iletken kullanmak gerekir. Bu da farklı renklerde çalışması gereken lazerlerin maliyetlerinin çok yükselmesine neden olur.

Farklı renk elde etmenin en ucuz yolu ışık yayan sentetik organik polimerler kullanmaktır. Ama bu malzemelerden elektrik akımı çok zor geçtiği için yüksek kalitede ışık kaynağı yapmak mümkün değildir.” Bütün, NANOTAM'da Prof. Dr. Özbay başkanlığında yürüttüğü çalışması ile sentetik polimerler kullanarak nanoteknoloji temelli yüksek kalitede ışık kaynağı üreten organik lazer teknolojisini geliştirdiğini ifade ederek, “Bu teknoloji ile çok daha ucuza görüntü cihazı yapmanın yolu açıldı” diye konuştu.

İSTENEN RENKLERDE NANO IŞIK KAYNAKLARI Prof. Dr. Ekmel Özbay ise kansız ameliyatlarda, lazerle yara iyileştirmede, böbrek taşı tedavisinde, göz tedavilerinde, dişçilikte ve benzeri sağlık alanlarında, yüksek çözünürlüklü projeksiyon ekranlarında, DVD'lerde, lazer tabanlı reklam panolarında, LCD ekranlarda, cep telefonu ekranlarında dijital fotoğraf makinlerinde, MP3 oynatıcılarda, hologramlarda ve diğer pek çok uygulamalarda farklı renklere sahip çok daha ekonomik lazerlere ihtiyaç duyulduğunu dile getirdi.

Hem düşük maliyetli hem de farklı renklerde lazer yapabilmek için Bütün'ün ve projede görev alan diğer NANOTAM araştırmacılarının nanoteknoloji kullanarak yüksek performanslı LED'leri (Işık yayan diyot) ve sentetik organik polimerleri biraraya getirdiğini anlatan Özbay, “Bu sayede, LED'lerin elektriksel üstünlüklerini, organik malzemenin ucuzluk, seçenek çokluğu ve optik üstünlüğüyle birleştirerek istenen renklerde çalışan nanometre boyutlarında nanoışık kaynakları yapma başarısı gösterildi” dedi.

Bütün'ün yeni çalışmalarını değişik yapılarda lazer konfigürasyonları üzerine ve değişik organik polimerler kullanarak devam ettirdiğini söyleyen Özbay, şunları kaydetti: “Bu çalışmamız merkezimizde kurduğumuz bilimsel altyapıyla en başından en son aşamasına kadar kendi kendimize gerçekleştirdiğimiz çalışmadır. Bu nedenle Bilkent NANOTAM'da geliştirdiğimiz bu nanoteknoloji için rahatlıkla 'Made in Turkey' diyebiliyoruz. Bu nanoışık kaynağı hem günümüzde, hem gelecekte bir çok uygulamada kullanılabilecek özelliklere sahip üstün özelliklere sahiptir.” Özbay,

Bütün'ün çalışmasının “Nanotechnology” dergisinin Nisan 2008 sayısında yayımlandığını da bildirdi. Veteknoloji İnternethaber

Friday, April 4, 2008

Prof. Dr. Oktay Sinanoğlu/ He is the youngest person in the past century to attain a status of professor

Oktay Sinanoğlu is a Turkish scientist of theoretical chemistry and molecular biology. He was the youngest person in the past century to attain a status of professor when he earned the status at the age of 28. Also, he has been nominated to Nobel award in chemistry twice. He is also one of the most successful people about protection of Turkish Language.

Sinanoğlu was born on February 25, 1935 in Bari, Italy where his father served as a consul general. In 1939 by the commence of World War II, the family returned to Turkey. In 1953, he attended the high school "TED Yenişehir Lisesi" in Ankara, and after graduating won a scholarship for education of chemistry in the USA. In 1956, he graduated from Berkeley in chemical engineering with the highest rank. In only eight months, he graduated from MIT in 1957 with the highest degree. In two years, he finished his doctorate at the University of California at Berkeley. In 1960, Sinanoğlu started working as associate professor at Yale University. He theorized the "Many-Electron Theory of Atoms and Molecules" in 1962 by solving a mathematical theorem that had been unsolved for 50 years. The same year, he earned the "Alfred P. Sloan" prize. As appointed professor in 1963 at the age of only 28, he became the youngest person in the past century at Yale to attain the status as a full professor. He got his second life-long chair in Yale in Molecular Biology.
Sinanoğlu was the first to earn the Alexander von Humboldt's Science Prize in 1973. In 1975, he won the award of Japan's International Outstanding Scientist. In the 1980s, he theorized a new method from 180 theories concerning mathematics and physics, considered revolutionary, which enables chemists to predict the ways in which chemicals combine in the laboratory and to solve other complex problems in chemistry using simple pictures and periodic tables. Also, he took his place in the Academy of Arts & Sciences. In 1993, he moved to Turkey to teach at the Yıldız Teknik Universitesi, and officially retired at the age of 67. Yet his scientific researches has not ceased.
He received several international and local awards concerning his scientific and social contributions and efforts. He has been to many places including Asia and Latin America. He tried to establish strong communications between Japan, India and Turkey. Because of his efforts, he was given the title "Special Emissary" of Japan-Turkey. He worked for better education, purified language in Turkey most of his life and strived to form a conscious generation.
Oktay Sinanoğlu*nun Bilimsel Calısmaları

His publication list :
(1) O. Sinanoglu, Viscosity of Polar Vapor Mixtures, M.S. Thesis (Chem. Eng‘s) MIT (1957).
(2) O. Sinanoglu and K.S. Pitzer, Theoretical Pre-Exponential Factors for Abstraction Reactions.J. Chem. Phys. 30, 422 (1959).
(3) O. Sinanoglu, Scattering of High Velocity Neutral Particles by an Orientation Dependent Potential.J. Chem. Phys. 30, 850 (1959).
(4) O. Sinanoglu and K.S. Pitzer, Equation of State and Thermodynamic Properties of Gases at High Temperatures, I. Diatomic Molecules.J. Chem. Phys. 31, 960 (1959).
(5) O. Sinanoglu, Intermolecular Forces and Statistical Mechanics.Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Berkeley (August 1959).
(6) O. Sinanoglu and K.S. Pitzer, Interaction Between Molecules Absorbed on a Surface.J. Chem. Phys. 32, 1279 (1960).
(7) O. Sinanoglu and R.A. Berg, Ligand Field Theory of Gas Molecules Involving the First Transition Series Elements.J. Chem. Phys. 32, 1082 (1960).
(8) O. Sinanoglu, Inter- and Intra-atomic Correlation Energies and Theory of Core-Polarization.J. Chem. Phys. 33, 1212 (1960).
(9) O. Sinanoglu and E.M. Mortensen, Core Polarization in Li2J.Chem. Phys. 34, 1078 (1961).
(10) O. Sinanoglu, Relation of Perturbation Theory to Variation Method.J. Chem. Phys. 34, 1237 (1961).
(11) O. Sinanoglu, Theory of Electron Correlation in Atoms and Molecules.Proc. Roy. Soc. (Lond.) A 260, 379 (1961).
(12) O. Sinanoglu, Perturbation Theory of Many-Electron Atoms and Molecules.Phys. Rev. 122, 493 (1961).
(13) O. Sinanoglu, Variation-Perturbation Method for Excited States.Phys. Rev. 122, 491 (1961).
(14) O. Sinanoglu, Many-Electron Theory of Atoms and Molecules.Proc. U.S. Natl. Acad. Sci. 47, 1217 (1961).
(15) O. Sinanoglu, Many-Electron Theory of Atoms and Molecules I. Shells, Electron Pairs vs. Many-Electron Correlations.J. Chem. Phys. 36, 706 (1962).
(16) O. Sinanoglu, M.S. Vardya, E.M. Mortensen and W.C. Johnson, Jr., Equilibrium Properties of Hydrogen Gas [rom 5,000 K to 20,000 K.Physics of Fluids 5, 665 (1962).
(17) O. Sinanoglu, Many-Electron Theory of Atoms and Molecules II.J. Chem. Phys. 36, 3198 (1962).
(18) O. Sinanoglu, On the Reduction of Many-Electron Problems by Perturbation Theory.J. Chem. Phys. 36, 564 (1962).
(19) O. Sinanoglu and N.R. Kestner, Study of Electron Correlation in Two Electron Systems by an Exactly Soluble Model.Phys. Rev. 128, 2687 (1962).
(20) O. Sinanoglu, Some Aspects of the Quantum Theory of Atoms, Molecules, and their Interactions.J. Phys. Chem. 66, 2283 (1962).
(21) O. Sinanoglu, Bonds and Intramoleculer Forces.J. Chem. Phys. 37, 191 (1962).
(22) O. Sinanoglu and N.R. Kestner, Effective Intermolecular Pair Potentials in Nonpolar Media.J. Chem. Phys. 38, 1730 (1963).
(23) O. Sinanoglu and V. McKoy, Theory of Dissociation Pressures of Some Gas Hydrates.J. Chem. Phys. 38, 2946 (1963).
(24) O. Sinanoglu and D.E Tuan, Many-Electron Theory of Atoms and Molecules. III. Effect of Correlation of Orbitals.J. Chem. Phys. 38, 1740 (1963).
(25) O. Sinanoglu, On the Theories of Hypochromism in Polynucleotides.Rad. Res. 20, No. 1 (1963).
(26) O. Sinanoglu, A Method for the Analysis of Many-Electron Wave********s.Rev. Mod. Phys. 35, 517 (1963).
(27) O. Sinanoglu, Many-Electron Theory of Atoms, Molecules and their Interactions.Adv. Chem. Phys. 6, 315 (1964).
(28) 0. Sinanoglu, S. Abdulnur and N.R. Kestner, Solvent Effects on Dispersion Attractions Particularly in Quantum Aspects of Biochemistry, B. Pullman (ed.) (Acad. Press, N.Y., 1964).
(29) O. Sinanoglu and D.F. Tuan, Quantum Theory of Atoms and Molecules.Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. Vol. 15, 251 (1964).
(31) O. Sinanoglu and S. Abdulnur, Hydrophobic Stacking of Bases and the Solvent Denaturation of DNA.J. Photochemistry and Photobiology 3, 333 (1964).
(32) 0. Sinanoglu and D.E Tuan, Many-Electron Theory of Atoms and Molecules. IV. Be Atom and its Ions.J. Chem. Phys. 41, 2677 (1964).
(33) O. Sinanoglu and D.F. Tuan, Many-Electron Thory of Atoms and Molecules. V. First Row Atoms and Their Ions.J. Chem. Phys. 41, 2683 (1964). (34) O. Sinanoglu and S. Ahdulnur, Effect of Water and Other Solvents on the Structure of Biopolymers.Federation Proc. 24, part III, s-2 (1965).
(35) BOOK: Modern Quantum Chemistry " Istanbul Lectures, 0. Sinanoglu (ed.) (Academic Press, N.Y., 1965) Intros. & Chapters containing articles by 0.S. and co-workers. (Three volumes: I - Orbitals; II - Interactions; III - Light and Organic Crystals).
(36) O. Sinanoglu and V. McKoy, Non-transferability of Inner Cores in First and Second Row Atoms and Z-dependence of Correlation Vol. II of Book above.
(37) O. Sinanoglu and C. Hollister, Dissociation vol. II of Book above.
(38) O. Sinanoglu and H. Silverstone, Electron Correlation in Non- Closed Shell vol. II of book above.
(39) 0. Sinanoglu, Intermolecular Forces in Gases and in Condensed vol. II of Book above.
(40) O. Sinanoglu and M. Orloff, Sigma and Pi Changes in Valence States of Pi Electron Theory and One Center Coulomb Repulsion Parameters.J. Chem. Phys. 43, 49 (1965).
(41) O. Sinanoglu and H.J. Silverstone, Many-Electron Theory of Non- Closed Shell Atoms and Molecules. I. Orbital Wave******** and Perturbation Theory.J. Chem. Phys. 44, #5, 1899 (1966).
(42) O. Sinanoglu and H.J. Silverstone, Many-Electron Theory of Non- Closed Shell Atoms and Molecules. II. Variational Theory.J. Chem. Phys. 44, 3608 (1966).
(43) O. Sinanoglu and N.R. Kestner, Theory of Intermolecular Potential Energy Curves - General Theory and the He - He Potential.J. Chem. Phys. 45, 194 (1965).
(44) O. Sinanoglu and M.K. Orloff, The Pi-Electron Approximation and Coulomb Repulsion Parameters in Modern Quantum Chemistry " Istanbul Lectures. I. Orbitals(Academic Press, N.Y., 1965).
(45) O. Sinanoglu and C. Hollister, Molecular Binding Energies.J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 88, 13 (1966).
(46) O. Sinanoglu, Effect of Dense Media on Intermolecular Forces.Discussions Faraday Soc. 40, 266 (1965).
(47) O. Sinanoglu and S.R. LaPaglia, Theoretical Transition Probabilities.J. Chem. Phys. 44, 1888 (1966).
(48) O. Sinanoglu, Meson Spectrum and Internal Dynamics.In: Proc. 3rd Coral Gables Conf. on Symmetry Principles at High Energy (W.H. Freeman & Co., S.F., 1966).
(49) O. Sinanoglu, Quantum Numbers and Masses of Mesons as Quark-Antiquark Interaction.Phys. Rev. 145, 4, 1205 (1966).
(50) O. Sinanoglu, Internal Dynamics of Mesons and Baryons and Non-Compact Groups in Non-Compact Particle Physics (Benjamin Co., N.Y., 1966).
(51) O. Sinanoglu, Hadron Spectroscopy, Dynamical Groups and Mass Proc. of Istanbul " Nato Advanced Study Inst. on: Symmetry Principles in High Energy Physics (W.H. Freeman, N.Y., 1967).
(52) O. Sinanoglu, Internal Dynamics of Mesons and Theoretical Physics Lectures (Univ. of Colo. Press, Boulder, 1967).
(53) O. Sinanoglu and B.Skutnik, Search for Quark in the Far Ultraviolet Solar Spectrum.Phys. Rev. Lett. 17, 785 (1966).
(54) O. Sinanoglu, Intermolecular Forces in Liquids.Adv. Chem. Phys. 12, 283 (1968).
(55) O. Sinanoglu and H.J. Silverstone, Symmetry Properties of One- and Two- Electron Correlation Functions in the Many-Electron Theory of Atoms and Molecules.J. Chem. Phys. 46, 854 (1967).
(56) O. Sinanoglu, Solvent Effects on Molecular Associations in Molecular Biology, B. Pullman (ed.) (Academic Press, N.Y., 1968) p. 427.
(57) O. Sinanoglu and J. Cizek, Reducible and Irreducible Pair Correlations in Benzene.Chem. Phys. Lett. 1, 337 (1967).
(58) O. Sinanoglu, An Intermolecular Potential for Use in Liquids.Chem. Phys. Lett. 1, 340 (1967).
(59) O. Sinanoglu, Electron Correlation in Atoms and Molecules.Adv. Chem. Phys. 14, 237 (1968).
(60) 0. Sinanoglu and T. Shibuya, Expansion of the Density Matrix of an N-Fermion System in Terms of Correlation Densities of Fermion Clusters.J. Math. Phys. 10, 1032 (1969).
(61) O. Sinanoglu and 0. Goscinski, Upper and Lower Bounds and the Generalized Variation-Perturbation Approach of Many- Electron Theory.Intl. J. of Qu. Chem. 2, 397 (1968>.
(62) O. Sinanoglu arid T. Halicioglu, Medium Dependent Intermolecular Potential for Liquids and its Use in Obtaning Free Energy and Entropy.J. Chem. Phys. 49, 996 (1968).
(63) O. Sinanoglu and B. Skutnik, Correlations Between Tetrahedrally Localized Orbitals.Chem. Phys. Lett. 1, 699 (1968).
(64) O. Sinanoglu, B. Skutnik and I. Öksüz, Correlation Effects in the Excited States of Atoms " the ls2 2sn spm Configurations of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen.Intl. J. Qu. Chem. 2S, 1 (1968).
(65) O. Sinanoglu and T. Halicioglu, Solvent Effects on Cis-Trans, Azobenzene Isomerization " A Detailed Application of a Theory of Solvent Effects on Molecular Associations.Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 158, 308 (1969>.
(66) 0. Sinanoglu and I. Öksüz, A Theory of Atomic Structure Including Electron Correlation.Phys. Rev. Lett. 21, 507 (1968).
(67) O. Sinanoglu and J. Alper, Quantum Calculations of the Effective Inter-atomic Pairwise Interactions Showing ‘Magic Numbers‘ on Alkali Atom Clusters of Varying Shapes and Increasing Sizes.(Report, 1968>.
(68) 0. Sinanoglu and C. Trindle, Semiempirical Method for the Determination of Localized Orbitals in Molecules.J. Chem. Phys. 49, 65 (1968>.
(69) O. Sinanoglu and I. Öksüz, Theory of Atomic Structure Including Electron Correlation. I. Three Kinds of Correlation in Ground and Excited Configurations.Phys. Rev. 181, 42 (1969>.
(70) O. Sinanoglu and I. Öksüz, Theory of Atomic Structure Including Electron Correlation. II. All-external Pair Correlations in Various States and Ions of B, C, N, 0, F, Ne, and Na, and Prediction of Electron Affinities and Atomic Excitations Energies.Phys. Rev. 181, 54 (1969).
(71) 0. Sinanoglu and P. Westhaus, Theory of Atomic Structure Including Electron Correlation. III. Calculations ofMultiplet Oscillator Strengths and Comparison with Experiment for C II, N III, 0 IV, N II, 0 III, N I, 0 II and Ne II.Phys. Rev. 183, 56 (1969).
(72) O. Sinanoglu and C. Trindle, Local Orbital and Bond Index Characterization of Hybridization in Molecules.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 91, 853 (1969).
(73) O. Sinanoglu, Atomic Structure, Transition Probabilities and Theory ofElectron Correlation in Ground and Excited Atomic Physics, vol. 1 (Plenum Press, N.Y., 1969) p. 131.
(74) O. Sinanoglu and C. Trindle, Local Orbital Guide to Allowed Interconversions of C4 H7 Ions.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 91, 4054 (1969).
(75) O. Sinanoglu and P. Westhaus, Non-transferable Correlation Effects and Multiplet Oscillator Strengts for Electric Dipole Transitions in Atoms with Results on 0 II, N I, N II, N III, 0 II, 0 III, 0 IV, F II and Ne II.Astrophys. J. 157, 997 (1969).
(76) O. Sinanoglu and J. Alper, The Group R4 in Atomic Structure Theory: Hydrogenic vs. the Mathematical R4 and the Coulomb Interaction in 2sn 2pm and 3sm 3pn 3sr Configurations.Phys. Rev. 177, 77 (1969).
(77) O. Sinanoglu, A.C. Wahl, T.C. Gilbert et al., Methods for Correlation Molecules and ome Optimized Valence Configuration Results on the Diatomic Molecules Li2 , Be2 , 02 , N2 , F2 , BN, BeC, LiF, HeNe, CO and BF.Intl. J. Qu. Chem. 3S, 479 (1969).
(78) O. Sinanoglu and K. Roby, On the Performance and Parameter Problems of Approximate Molecular Orbital Theories with Comparative Calculations on the Carbon Monoxide Molecule.Intl. J. Qu. Chem. 3S, 223 (1969).
(79) O. Sinanoglu, Anomalous Effects of Electron Correlation in the Energies of Excited States.Comm. At. Molec. Phys. 1/#4, 116 (1969).
(80) O. Sinanoglu and P. Westhaus, The Structure and Transformation Properties of Correlation Functions for Open Shells of Molecules in Non-Orthoggonal AO as well as MO Bases.Intl. J. Qu. Chem. 3S, 391 (1970),
(81) O. Sinanoglu, Transition Probabilities: Theory vs. Experiment.Comm. At. Molec. Phys. II, 73 (1970).
(82) BOOK: Sigma Molecular Orbital Theory (0.S. and K.B. Wiberg. Includes chapters by many experts. Commentaries and some chapters by 0.S. and K.W.) (Yale Press, New Haven, 1970).
(83) O. Sinanoglu, Theory of Electron Correlation in Excited States and Atomic Properties in Theory of Electronic Shells of Atoms and Molecules.(Mintz, USSR, 1971) (Vilnius Symp. of 1969).
(84) 0. Sinanoglu, Oxygen Auroral Lines: New Theory and Experiment on Forbidden Transition Probabilities.Comm. At. Molec. Phys. II/#3, 79 (1970).
(85) BOOK: Three Approaches to Electron Correlation in Atoms.(Yale Press, New Haven and London, 1970> (with K.Brueckner).
(86) O. Sinanoglu and C. Nicolaides, Allowed Transition Probabilities: New Theory vs. Recent Experimental Results.Nucl. Instr. and Methods 90, 133 (1970).
(87) O. Sinanoglu, f-Values for the 3p-3D Transitions of C 1, N II and o iii and Comparison with Experiment " An Application of New Theory of Atomic Structure with Electron Correlation in Modern Physics, A Tribute to E. U. Gondon, (Colorado Assoc. Univ. Press, Boulder, 1971).
(88) O. Sinanoglu, Electron Correlation in N-Electron Atoms " A New Theory of Atomic New Directions in Atomic Physics, vol. I- Theory, Condon and Sinanoglu (eds). (Yale Press, New Haven, 1971).
(89) O. Sinanoglu and C. Nicolaides, Theoretical Transition Probabilities for the Carbon 3p-3D Isoelectronic Sequence.Phys. Lett. 33A/#3, 179 (1970).
(90) O. Sinanoglu and C. Nicolaides, Atomic Transition Probabilities " New Experimental and Theoretical Results and their New Directions in Atomic Physics, vol. II- Experiment, Condon and Sinanoglu (eds.) (Yale Press, New Haven, 1971).
(91) O. Sinanoglu, Calculation of Electron Affinities Using the Non- Closed Shell Many-Electron Theory of Atomic Structure.J. de Physique, Tome 31, C4-89 (1970).
(92) O. Sinanoglu, Theory of Electron Correlation in Ground and Excited States with Application to Atomic Properties.J. de Physique, Tome 31, C4-83 (1970).
(93) O. Sinanoglu and C. Nicolaides, Transition Prohabilities from the Non-Closed Shell Many-Electron Theory of Atomic Structure.J. de Physique, Tome 31, C4-117 (1970).
(94) O. Sinanoglu, C. Nicolaides and P. Westhaus, Theory of Atomic Structure with Electron Correlation. IV. Method for Forbidden Transition Pro babilities with Results for 0 I, 0 III, N I, N II and C I.Phys. Rev. 4, 1400 (1971).
(95) O. Sinanoglu and T. Halicioglu, Intelmolecular Forces in Liquids: Comparison of the Analytic Effective Potential with the Computer Calculations of Many-Body Effects.Phys. Rev. 5, 2223 (1972).
(96) O. Sinanoglu, Potential Energy Surfaces and Reactive Scattering.Comm. At. Molec. Phys. III, 53 (1971).
(97) O. Sinanoglu and C. Nicolaides, A Proposed Correction to the Solar Abundances of Carbon and Oxygen Utilizing New Accurate Theoretical Forbidden Transition Probabilities.Solar Physics 29, 17 (1973).
(98) O. Sinanoglu, New Atomic Structure Theory and Beam-Foil Spectroscopy.Revista Mexicana de Fisica 20, 143 (1971).
(99) O. Sinanoglu and D. Herrick, The Algebra of the Non-Compact Group 0 (3,2) and the Hydrogen Atom Radial Functions.Phys. Rev. 5, 2309 (1972).
(100) O. Sinanoglu and D. Herrick, Transition Probabilities and Radial Overlaps for the Hydrogen Atom and the Algebra of the Non- Compact Group 0(3,2). Chem. Phys. Lett. 12, 310 (1971).

Friday, March 21, 2008

Prof.Dr. Engin Arik (Experimental High Energy Physics)

Mrs.Engin Arık (October 14, 1948November 30, 2007) was a renowned Turkish nuclear physicist. Ongoing Projecst were: CERN-LHC ATLAS Experiment , CERN-CAST Experiment

She was a professor and head of the Experimental
High Energy Physics group at the Boğaziçi University.

Arık was born in
Istanbul and received her BSc in 1969 in mathematics and physics from Istanbul University.

Subsequently, she received her
MSc in 1971 and PhD in 1976 in experimental high energy physics from the University of Pittsburgh, United States. She performed post doctoral studies at the Westfield College in University of London. Returning 1979 to Turkey, she became a member of faculty at Boğaziçi University.

In 1983, she left the university to work with
Control Data Corporation for two years. Arık subsequently became a professor at Boğaziçi University in 1988. Between 1997 and 2000, Arık was commissioned by the government to represent Turkey at the sessions of Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty held at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the UN in Vienna, Austria. She was a member of the ATLAS and CAST collaborations at CERN in Switzerland.

Arık died in the
Atlasjet Flight 4203 crash on November 30, 2007.

She was married to Metin Arık, also a professor in the same department at Boğaziçi University, and had two children.

Publication List
"Inclusive lambda production in sigma minus - proton collisions at 23 GeV/c", PhD thesis (1976)
"Y* production in sigma minus - nucleus reactions", Phys. Rev. Lett. 38 (1977) 1000
"Lambda zero inclusive production in sigma nucleus reactions", E. Arik, W. E. Cleland, M. Dris, E. Engels Jr., M. Herbert, D. E. Kraus, N. Scribner, P. Shepard, J. A. Thampson, D. Lowenstein, D. Freytag,Presented at meeting of APS Division of Particles, Published in DPF Conf. (1975)329
"Differential cross section and polarization for pi+ p --> K+ Sigma+ at 26 momenta between 1.282 and 2.473 GeV/c", Nucl. Phys. B226 (1983) 1
"An energy dependent partial-wave analysis of pi+ p --> K+ Sigma+ between threshold and 2.35 GeV/c", Nucl. Phys. B238 (1984) 477
"A mesurement of pi+ p backward elastic differential cross-sections from 1.282 to 2.472 GeV/c", Nucl. Phys. B244 (1984) 23
"Measurement of the spin-rotation parameter, beta, in the reaction pi+ p --> K+ Sigma+ at 1.69 and 1.88 GeV/c", Nucl. Phys. B311 (1988/89) 613
"Tau neutrino detection with hybrid techniques - CHORUS Collaboration", Proceedings of the Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium and Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, vol.1, 628-631, Geneva, Switzerland, 25July - 1 August 1991
"Neutral current coupling constants from neutrino-electron scattering - CHARM II Collaboration", Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) B31 (1993) 287
"New results on inverse muon decay and low multiplicity reactions- CHARM II Collaboration", Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) B31 (1993) 293
" Coherent single charged pion production by neutrinos - CHARM II Collaboration" , Phys. Lett. B313 (1993) 267
"A new search for nu mu - nu tau oscillation - CHORUS Collaboration", CERN-PPE/93-131,20 July 1993
"Flavour universality of neutrino couplings with the Z-CHARM II Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B320 (1994) 203
"Measurement of the spin-dependent structure function g_1(x) of the proton - SMC Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B329(1994) 399
"Constraints on additional Z bosons derived from neutrino-electron scattering measurements - CHARM II Collaboration", Phys. Lett.B332 (1994)465
"Precision measurement of electroweak parameters from the scattering of muon -neutrinos on electrons - CHARM II Collaboration", Phys.Lett. B335(1994) 246
"Spin asymmetry in muon-proton deep inelastic scattering on a transversely-polarized target - SMC Collaboration" Phys. Lett. B336 (1994) 125
"Search for nu_mu - nu_tau oscillations - CHARM II Collaboration", Z.Phys. C64 (1994) 539
"A new search for nu mu - nu tau oscillation - CHORUS Collaboration", Balkan Physics Letters 2 (1994) 51
"ATLAS Technical Proposal for a general-purpose pp experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN", CERN-LHCC-94-43, Dec 1994.
"Search for heavy isosinglet neutrinos - CHARM II Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B343 (1995) 453
"Experimental study of the electromagnetic properties of the muon neutrino in neutrino-electron scattering - CHARM II Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B345 (1995) 115
"Cosmic strings and stringy membranes", E. Arik, M. Arik, J. Kornfilt, K. Saygili, A. Yildiz, Phys. Lett. B352(1995) 224
"Status report on CHORUS experiment at CERN - CHORUS Collaboration", Nucl. Instr. Meth. A360 (1995) 254
"A new measurement of the spin-dependent structure function g_1(x) of the deuteron - SMC Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B357 (1995)248
"A precise measurement of the cross section of the inverse muon decay nu mu + e- --> mu- + nu mu - CHARM II Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B364 (1995) 121
"Large enhancement of deuteron polarization with frequency modulated microwaves - SMC Collaboration", Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A372 (1996) 339
"Polarization of valence and non-strange sea quarks in the nucleon from semi-inclusive spin asymmetries - SMC Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B369 (1996) 93
"The CHORUS experiment - CHORUS Collaboration", Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) B48 (1996) 183
"A search for the fourth family quarks at hadron colliders", E. Arik, S. Atag, Z.Z. Aydin, A. Celikel, Z. Cicek, A. K. Ciftci, A. Mailov, S. Sultansoy and G. Unel, CERN-ATLAS Internal Note / PHYS-NO-091,12 August 1996
"ATLAS Calorimeter performance", CERN-LHCC-96-40, Dec 1996.
"ATLAS Computing Technical Proposal", CERN-LHCC-96-43, Dec 1996.
"A line shape analysis for spin one NMR signals - SMC Collaboration", Nucl. Inst. Meth. A. 398 (1997) 109-125
"The spin dependent structure function g_1(x) of the deuteron from polarized deep-inelastic muon scattering - SMC Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B396 (1997) 338
"Spin structure of the proton from polarized inclusive deep inelastic muon-proton scattering - SMC Collaboration", Phys. Rev. D (1997) 5330
"The spin dependent structure function g_1(x) of the proton from polarized deep-inelastic muon scattering - SMC Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B412 (1997) 414
"The CHORUS experiment to search for nu_mu --> nu_tau oscillation - CHORUS Collaboration", Nucl. Inst. Meth. A401 (1997) 7
"Photoelectron counting using a position sensitive photomultiplier under LINUX", T. Akdogan, E. Arik, S. Cetin, O. Ilday, M. Karagoz, A. Koroglu, A. Mailov, K. Nurdan and G. Unel, Balkan Physics Letters 5 (3) pp. 179 -187 (1997)
"Measurement of proton and nitrogen polarization in ammonia and a test of equal spin temperature - SMC Collaboration", Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A419 (1998) 60
"Polarized quark distributions in the nucleon from semi-inclusive spin-asymmetries - SMC Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B420 (1998) 180
"A search for muon-neutrino -> tau-neutrino oscillation - CHORUS Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B424 (1998) 202
"Spin asymmetries A_1 and structure functions g_1 of the proton and the deuteron from polarized high energy muon scattering - SMC Collaboration", Phys. Rev. D58 (1998) 112001
"A next to leading order QCD analysis of the spin structure function g_1 - SMC Collaboration", Phys. Rev. D58 (1998) 112002
"Experimental search for muonic photons - CHARM II Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B434 (1998) 200
"q-oscillator structure of symmetric random sets", E. Arik and M. Arik, Balkan Physics Letters 6 (1998) 147
"Search for numu --> nutau oscillation using the tau decay modes into a single charged hadron - CHORUS Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B434 (1998) 205
"Search for the fourth family up quarks at CERN LHC", E. Arik, S. Atag, Z.Z. Aydin, A. Celikel, Z. Cicek, A.K. Ciftci, A. Mailov, S. Sultansoy, G. Unel, Phys. Rev. D58 (1998) 117701
"Enhancement of the standard model Higgs boson production cross-section with the fourth standard model family quarks", E. Arik, S. Cetin, T. Conka, A. Mailov, S. Sultansoy, CERN-ATLAS Internal Note / ATL-PHYS-98-125, 27 August 1998
"New limit for nu e - > nu tau oscillations", E. Arik, A. Mailov, S. Sultansoy, submitted to "CHORUS Collaboration" as preprint draft, August 1998, hep-ex/0007020.
"The polarized double cell target of the SMC - SMC Collaboration", Nucl. Inst. Meth. A437 (1999) 23
"Leading order QCD analysis of neutrino-induced dimuon events - CHARM II Collaboration", Euro. Phys. J. C 11/1 (1999) 19
"LDAQ-MRS Integration for the ATLAS-DAQ", E. Arik, S. Cetin, T. Conka-Nurdan, A. Mailov, L. Tremblet, CERN-ATLAS DAQ Prototype -1 Technical Note #115, February 1999
"LDAQ-IS Integration for the ATLAS-DAQ", E. Arik, S. Cetin, T. Conka-Nurdan, A. Mailov, L. Tremblet, CERN-ATLAS DAQ Prototype -1 Technical Note #116, February 1999
"A large streamer chamber muon tracking detector in a high-flux fixed-target application - SMC Collaboration", Nucl. Inst. Meth. A435 (1999) 354
"Spin asymmetries A1 of the proton and the deuteron in the low x and low Q^2 region from polarized high energy muon scattering - SMC Collaboration", Phys. Rev. D60 (1999) 072004
"Observability of standard model fourth family quarks at CERN - LHC", E. Arik, S. Cetin, T. Conka-Nurdan, A. Mailov, S. Sultansoy, CERN-ATLAS Internal Note / ATL-PHYS-99-005, 14 March 1999
"Production and decay properties of the pseudoscalar quarkonium", E. Arik, S. Cetin, T. Conka-Nurdan, A. Mailov, S. Sultansoy, CERN-ATLAS Internal Note / ATL-PHYS-2000-002
"Fourth Generation Quarks", CERN/LHCC/99-15 ATLAS Technical Design Report 15, Volume II, 18.2
"Search for New Vector Bosons", CERN/LHCC/99-15 ATLAS Technical Design Report 15, Volume II, 21.6
"Quark and lepton masses from deformed algebras", E. Arik, M. Arik, U. Kayserilioglu, B. Unlu, preprint, August 1999
"Graphical statistics display tool for ATLAS DAQ -1 prototype", E. Arik, D. Francis, T. Conka-Nurdan, K. Nurdan, A. Mailov, L. Tremblet ATLAS DAQ Note, September 1999
"The data-flow system of the ATLAS DAQ and event filter prototype-1 project", Oct 1999, Published in Trieste 1999, "Accelerator and large experimental physics control systems", 624-626.
"Summary Document of the Event Building Studies in the DAQ/EF -1 Project", ATLAS DAQ Note, ATL-DAQ-2000-048
"The data-flow system of the ATLAS DAQ/EF prototype-1 project", February 2000, Published in CHEP 2000, "Computing in high energy and nuclear physic", 341-346.
"The readout crate in ATLAS DAQ/EF prototype-1", February 2000, Published in CHEP 2000, "Computing in high energy and nuclear physics", 347-352.
"Quark and lepton masses from fundamental fermion algebra with exact color symmetry", E. Arik, M. Arik, U. Kayserilioglu, B. Unlu, Turkish Journal of Physics 24 (2000) 227
"Measurement of the SMC muon beam polarisation using the asymmetry in the elastic scattering off polarised electrons - SMC Collaboration", Nucl. Inst. Meth. A443 (2000) 1-19
"New results from a search for numu -> nutau and nue -> nutau oscillation - CHORUS Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B497 (2001) 8
"Observation of weak neutral current neutrino production of J/Psi - CHORUS Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B503 (2001) 1
"Particle identification using the time-over-threshold method in the ATLAS transition radiation tracker - ATLAS-TRT Collaboration", Nucl. Inst. Meth. A474 (2001) 172
"A study of pp -> W' -> WZ in the ATLAS Experiment", E. Arik, D. Benchekroun, O. Celik, J. Collot, A. Ferrari, A. Mailov, CERN-ATLAS Internal Note/ ATL-PHYS-2001-005
"Cast Status Report: A Solar Axion Search Using a Decommissioned LHC Test Magnet - CAST Collaboration", CERN-SPSC-2001-020, CERN-SPSC-M-666, May 2001.
"Measurement of D0 production in neutrino charged-current interactions - CHORUS Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B527 (2002) 173
"Consequences of the extra SM families on the Higgs boson production at Tevatron and LHC", E. Arik, O. Cakir, S.A. Cetin, S. Sultansoy, Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 033003
"Fourth Generation Pseudoscalar Quarkonium Production and Observability at Hadron Colliders", E. Arik, O. Cakir, S.A. Cetin, S. Sultansoy, Phys. Rev. D 66 (2002) 116006
"Observation of one event with the characteristics of associated charm production in neutrino charged-current interactions - CHORUS Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B539 (2002) 188
"The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) - CAST Collaboration", Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 110 (2002) 85
"The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST): Status and prospects - CAST Collaboration", Published in The Idenification of Dark Matter: Proceedings. Singapore, World Scientific, 2003. astro-ph/0211606
"A search for vector diquarks at the CERN LHC", E. Arik, O. Cakir, S.A. Cetin, S. Sultansoy, JHEP 09 (2002) 24
"Determination of the semi-leptonic branching fraction of charm hadrons produced in neutrino charged-current interactions - CHORUS Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B549, (2002) 48
"With four Standard Model families, the LHC could discover the Higgs boson with a few fb-1", E. Arik, M. Arik, S.A. Cetin, T. Conka, A. Mailov, S. Sultansoy, Eur. Phys. J. C 26 (2002) 9
"Axion searches at CERN with the CAST telescope - CAST Collaboration", Proceedings of 10th Greek Relativity Meeting on New Developments in Gravity (NEB X), Chalkidiki, Greece, 30 May - 2 June 2002. astro-ph/0305534
"CAST: A search for solar axions at CERN - CAST Collaboration", hep-ex/0304024
"Anomalous single production of the fourth SM family quarks at Tevatron", E. Arik, O. Cakir and S. Sultansoy, Phys. Rev. D 67 (2003) 035002
"Search for anomalous single production of the fourth SM family quark decaying into a light scalar", E. Arik, O. Cakir and S. Sultansoy, Europhysics Letters Vol. 62 N°3 (2003) 332
"An X-ray scanner for wire chambers - ATLAS-TRT Collaboration", Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 507 (2003) 622
"Mesurement of Lambda_c production in neutrino charged current interactions - CHORUS Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B 555 (2003) 156
"The CERN axion solar telescope (CAST): status and prospects - CAST Collaboration", Nuc. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 114 (2003) 75
"Measurement of the Z/A dependence of neutrino charged-current total cross- sections - CHORUS Collaboration", Eur. Phys. J C 30 (2003) 159
" Cross-section measurement for quasi-elastic production of charmed baryons in neutrino nucleus interactions - CHORUS Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B 575 (2003) 198
"Operation of the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker under very high irradiation at the CERN LHC - ATLAS-TRT Collaboration", Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 522 (2004) 25
"ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker test-beam results - ATLAS-TRT Collaboration", Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 522 (2004) 50
"Status of design and construction of the Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) fro the ATLAS experiment at the LHC - ATLAS-TRT Collaboration", Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 522 (2004) 131
"Recent aging studies for the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker - ATLAS-TRT Collaboration", IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 51 (3) (2004) 960
"Experimental study of trimuon events in neutrino charged-current interactions - CHORUS Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B 596 (2004) 44
"Spin asymmetries for events with high pT hadrons in DIS and an evaluation of the gluon polarization - SMC Collaboration", Phys. Rev. D 70 (2004) 012002
"Measurement of fragmentation properties of charmed particle production in charged-current neutrino interactions - CHORUS Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B 604 (2004) 145
"Measurement of charm production in antineutrino charged-current interactions - CHORUS Collaboration", Phys. Lett. B 604 (2004) 11
"A search for the fourth SM family quarks at the Tevatron", E. Arik, O. Cakir, S. Sultansoy, Eur. Phys. J C 39 (2005) 499
"Acceptance Tests and Criteria of the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker - ATLAS-TRT Collaboration", IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 52, 2 (2005) 2911
"Observability of the Higgs boson in the presence of extra SM families at the Tevatron", E. Arik, O. Cakir, S.A. Cetin, S. Sultansoy, Acta Physica Polonica B 37 (2006) 2839
"Status of the Solar Axion Search with CAST - CAST Collaboration", Proc. Int. Symposium on Detector Development for Particle, Astroparticle and Synchrotron Radiation Experiments (SNIC 2006), Menlo Park, California (2006) pp 0036
"CAST - A CERN Experiment to Search for Solar Axions - CAST Collaboration", 6th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, AIP Conference Proceedings # 899 (2007) pp.037-041
"Quark mixing with four Standard Model families", E. Arik, M. Arik, M. Sarisaman, L. Solmaz and S. Sultansoy, Balkan Physics Letters 15 (2007)
"The impact of the fourth SM family on the Higgs observability at the LHC", E. Arik, S. A. Cetin, S. Sultansoy, hep-ph/0708.0241, Balkan Physics Letters 15 (2007)
"CAST: A search for solar axions at CERN - CAST Collaboration", hep-ex/0304024
"Discovery potential of the ATLAS experiment with superbunches at the LHC", E. Arik, O. Cakir, S. Sultansoy, ATL-COM-PHYS-2003-034
"Turkish comments on 'Future Perspectives in High Energy Physics'", E. Arik and S. Sultansoy, hep-ph/0302012
"Comments on the possible discovery of the Higgs boson with mass ~ 160 GeV at the Tevatron", hep-ph/0508089
Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) Documents
"R2.0 Installation of Radionuclide Software" (PTS/IDC/1999-4)
"Results of the IDC Release 2 Validation Test Conducted at the CTBTO International Data Centre in Vienna" (August 1999)
"Initial Plan for an exercise to test the procedures and commerical arrangements for the transportation, tracking and archival of IMS radionuclide samples" (CTBT/PTS/INF document)
"R2.1 Installation of Radionuclide Software" (PTS/IDC/1999-5)
"Y2K Installation of Radionuclide Software" (PTS/IDC/1999-6)
"Proposals to avoid the interference of the energy peaks around 140 keV due to Tc-99m and Ge-75m and criteria for correct association", E. Arik, M.B. Kalinowski (PTS/IDC-1999/03)
"Automated processing of spectral data at the International Data Center (IDC): Provision of Peak Search Sensitivity value", E. Arik, V. Wong (CTBTO/PTS/TR/2000-2)
"Evaluation of the peak search algorithm used at the International Data Center", E. Arik, H. Toivonen (CTBT/PTS/TR/2000-6)
"Evaluation of the peak area determination used at the International Data Center", E. Arik, H. Toivonen, in preparation
"Background peaks observed in IDC spectra", E. Arik, V. Wong, in preparation
"HUNT - A new tool for peak finding", E. Arik, V. Wong, in preparation
"Radionuclide Monitoring Software (RMS) Analysis tool: S-code Manual", E. Arik, X. Shen, V. Wong, in preparation Source:, the free encyclopedia

Friday, March 14, 2008

Top 10 College Women 2007

Melis Anahtar ; Her research will save lives
Melis Anahtar, 20, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
HER GOAL: To be a medical researcher.
HER MOTIVATION: As a 15-year-old intern working closely with doctors at the burn unit of Shriners Hospital for Children in Boston, Anahtar saw terrible suffering but came away inspired. “I’d think, these people would have died 10 years ago, but scientists at this very hospital developed the skin grafts to keep them alive.” Ever since, Anahtar has thrown herself into research that holds the same life-changing potential. She developed a blood-testing device that could give doctors quick, crucial information about how the body is reacting to a burn, and last summer identified a genetic basis for a rare form of albinism through her internship at the National Institutes of Health. Now the MIT mechanical and biomedical engineering major with a perfect GPA is part of a team designing a needle-free injector, an innovation that could make immunizations safer for people around the globe."

" My five summers with CTY were a crucial component of both my academic and social development."
-- Melis Anahtar, 2008 Rhodes Scholar and former CTYer (1994 - 2000)

"CTY was much more than a summer camp. The classes provided a degree of challenge and intellectual freedom that I had not experienced in school. I'll never forget my first CTY summer, when I took a Humanities class with Mr. Chapman. Having just finished second grade, I initially found the reading list to be daunting and had difficulty with the first few assignments. But by the end of the three-week session, I had a newfound sense of confidence in my reading and writing abilities, which continued throughout the subsequent school year.
My five summers with CTY were a crucial component of both my academic and social development. On top of being able to explore exciting new topics, like mathematical logic and creative writing, I made long-lasting friendships with like-minded kids. I fondly remember the time we spent on the playground, in the dining hall, and even on the bus. All in all, CTY was a spectacular experience that I am very grateful for."

Melis Anahtar Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyHometown: Bethesda, Md. Age: 21Major: Mechanical engineeringGPA: 4.0 Graduating: June Career goal: Physician-scientist

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Prof.Dr. Ibrahim Dincer receives Canadian Premier's Research Excellence Award

NEAR FUTURE TECHNOLOGY - Hydrogen Fuel cells ( the environmentally friendly energy converter and power generator)

Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Dincer (Department of Mechanical Engineering Istanbul Technical University Istanbul, Turkey ) : designs fuel cells to produce electricity by converting the chemical energy of fuel-hydrogen. ( for example-directly to power in a controlled chemical reaction with oxygen. Because there is no need for combustion or moving parts, fuel cells are ultra clean, highly efficient and very reliable.)

University Fuel Cell Roundup : Dr. Ibrahim Dincer, a professor at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, has received one of Ontario's highest research honors for his work involving fuel cell technology for automobiles. Dincer is the first UOIT faculty member to receive a Premier's Research Excellence Award, a distinction that brings with it $100,000 in research funding from the province and $50,000 in matching funds from the university. The Premier's Research Excellence Award was developed in 1998 to help Ontario's best researchers attract exceptional graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and research associates to their research teams. The program also aims to promote innovation among the finest researchers in the province. (20-Oct-2004, Canada NewsWire)
Dr. Ibrahim Dincer Seeks Solutions to Our Gasoline Addiction
Dr. Ibrahim Dincer hopes one day he can help North Americans break-or at least reduce-their gasoline habit. A Premier’s Research Excellence Award winner, Dr. Dincer has built an international reputation for his research into the practical application of fuel-cell technology in automobiles.

“The concentration of vehicles in urban areas has made air pollution a key environmental issue,” says Dr. Dincer. “Fuel-cell vehicles appear to be a major option to overcome the issues of environmental degradation and energy security.”

Fuel cells produce electricity by converting the chemical energy of fuel-hydrogen, for example-directly to power in a controlled chemical reaction with oxygen. Because there is no need for combustion or moving parts, fuel cells are ultra clean, highly efficient and very reliable.

Dr. Dincer is recruiting a team of highly qualified personnel to assist in his current research project…”


More about Mr. Dincer (CV):

Other references:
HYDROGEN PRODUCTION FROM BIOMASS FOR SOFCS; Turkish scientiest are: C. Ozgur Colpan, Ibrahim Dincer, Feridun Hamdullahpur- Carlton University, Ottawa, Ontario

Note: Fuel Cells requires Bor(on) .

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

(2008): 'RoboTurk' helicopter to aid disaster recovery

Project RoboTurk : Ömer Çelik, Oğuz Bayrakdar

"RoboTurk helicopter to aid disaster recovery ,
Turkish engineers have built a prototype of an autonomous rescue helicopter equipped with Microsoft robotics and mapping software so that it can capture video of disaster sites and stream it back to command centers. The engineers Oguz Bayrakdar and Omer Celik began developing the robot, called RoboTurk, last year with the help of the Istanbul municipal government and Microsoft Robotics Group, which makes commercial software for autonomous applications that could range from a child's robotic Lego set to an unmanned helicopter."
February 27, 2008 Posted by Stefanie OlsenTwo

( RobotTürk projesi, microsoft ürünleri kullanılarak geliştirilen dünyadaki sayılı başarılı proje arasına seçilerek yine microsoft tarafından hazırlanan ve “IT Heroes” projesinin bir bacağı olan “Heroes Portrait Book”da yerini aldı. 27 Şubat 2008 tarihinde gerçekleştirilen ve Microsoft tarihindeki en büyük lansman etkinliği olan Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 ve SQL Server 2008 Los Angeles lansmanında dünyaya duyurulan bu başarı, yabancı basında da hakettiği ilgiyi gördü. )

Related News: RobotTürk